leaves for serving and cooking

I always have praised Ayurved not merely because I am an Ayurvedic practitioner but the more I
study (yes, I still call myself a student of Ayurved, which in itself is a revelation every time I look up
for references. Ayurved is probably the only discourse that takes an absolutely holistic approach
to human lifestyle. In Ayurved, different plant leaves has been mentioned, for eating food from. It
also occurs to me that every time Ayurved recommends something for human health, it also takes
care of the environment. I look at it as eco friendly and conducive to the human society at large!
In this blog, I am sharing this gem from this ancient wisdom treasure with you all…
Ayurved Recommends using various tree- leaves for a few cooking methods like steaming and also to
eat food from. Some of you are familiar with the banana leaf which is often used to serve food on
during festivals and rituals. The most common practice of using the banana leaf for serving food can
be seen in parts of southern India and even some south Indian restaurants. Banana leaf contains
useful anti oxidants , which are automatically transferred when we consume food on banana leaf.
And when we steam and serve food on a banana leaf, along with aroma, we get useful anti oxidants
as well.
Similarly Ayurved also discusses the virtues of other tree leaves like the plantain , palasha leaf, hastikarni ,
arka (rui), erand , ketaki, and also petals of lotus all of which were being traditionally used for
consuming food during ancient times.
The use of a particular leaf, has been indicated to cure certain ailment and has different properties
from the other.
Let me share a few examples:
 Consuming food served in a plantain leaf is cordial, aphrodisiac and strengthening. It is
useful in treatment of toxicity and vatarakta.
 Food served in ‘Eranda’ leaf is greatly beneficial for eyes but at the same time aggravates
pitta too.
 Food served in the leaf of ‘Arka’ kills worms , treats many diseases and aggravates pitta.
 Food served in the leaf of ‘Hastikarni’ kills worms, hot in potency.
 Food served in the leaf of ‘ketaki’ is beneficial to the eyes.
 Food served in the petals of lotus is aphrodisiac, and is recommended for travellers.
 Banana leaf gives a fantastic aroma to the food n contains many useful anti oxidants.
Even if you keep aside the technicalities of the tree leaves in terms of human health, can you
imagine the aroma that your food will have besides reducing the usage of vessels and the burden of
cleaning and that too with chemicals..?
Eco friendly and yet yummy food ideas…isn’t it?

Dr. Manjiri Joshi



Alumina toxicity

One of the reasons why I am consistently writing my blogs on subjects related to health, especially preventive health is what I saw during my visit to the U.S. The lifestyle there disturbed me a lot. I also find that many of us blindly follow that same lifestyle, the food habits, not to mentions the craze over everything western.

The other reason why I set off blogging about routine health issues is that most of us as I see from the patients who come to me, the people I interact with, could avoid a number of ailments and visits to the doctor only if they follow what Ayurved has given us, at least to an extent.

Today I am putting forth yet another unhealthy practice. The use of aluminium foil wrapping!

We routinely wrap food in the foil, cook food in the foil or even heat food in the aluminium foil.

I came across a situation in the U.S. where I was told that many people are suffering because they are found with excessive aluminium deposits in their bodies…Nothing surprising really. Considering the amount of aluminium that is practically inseparable from their food and cooking methods.

Most of the households use oven for cooking. The food cooked into oven is first wrapped in the aluminium foil and then it is heated inside the oven. Due to the heat, aluminium is leached out and is absorbed in the food. The degree of leaching is more in acidic and spicy foods. People cook meat in oven which is first wrapped in the aluminium foil and that meat then is obviously aluminium contaminated.

It does not matter whether the food wrapped is in contact with shiny side or dull side. On both sides the effect on food is same and the same amount of aluminium is absorbed in the food. The amount of absorption depends on the time spent in the oven and on the temperature of the oven during cooking.

Aluminium that enters our body cannot be digested. It accumulates in our body, in our liver, kidneys, bones and in our brain tissues. This leads to abdominal pain or tiredness. As the amount of aluminium in the body continues to saturate it becomes fatal. It affects our nervous system and can cause diseases like Alzheimer and depression, memory loss and anxiety. A significant amount of aluminium is found in the brain tissues of the patient suffering from Alzheimer diseases.

Drinking or consuming water and food containing toxic levels of aluminium. Breathing aluminium dust in work environment, living near hazardous waste sites or areas where aluminium is mined or processed, usage of aluminium cookware and aluminium cans, mindless consumption of antacids, Usage of antiperspirants are some of the common causes of aluminium poisoning.

Excretion of aluminium occurs mainly through urine therefore kidney failure is known to increase aluminium toxicity. Aluminium mediates toxicity by preventing production of essential enzymes and proteins, bringing about changes in DNA and affecting the cell membrane leading to premature cell death. It also affects brain anatomy and brings about neuro-chemical and behavioural changes in individuals.

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, anaemia, haemolysis, disturbed bowel activity, dental caries, dementia, osteomalacia and kidney and liver dysfunction are few of the disorders associated with aluminium toxicity. Aluminium toxicity is known to cause oxidative stress- a state of imbalance between pro-oxidant agents and body’s antioxidant defences.

Seems frightening, isn’t it? Now then, isn’t it time we give up aluminium totally even cooking in aluminium vessels.

But then you will ask me, “What is the alternative?” Really speaking aluminium foils are avoidable!

But don’t fret. In my next blog I shall give you not only some of the most safest but also equally tasty, yummy alternatives especially when it comes to steaming foods and you can show off your cooking skills in your friends’ groups too!

Dr. Manjiri joshi

91 9403360452



water II

In my last blog I wrote about the various myths in context with water consumption and the resultant ailments. This time I am taking the discussion a bit further to discuss the ideal methods of water storage…

Water takes on varying characteristics when stored in vessels of different metals. Since times immemorial different metal vessels are used to store water… metals like, iron, brass copper, silver and even gold! Naturally then, these metals have differing impacts on the characteristics of water. It is therefore imperative that one should choose a vessel for water storage that not only will have nil or at least minimum side effects on the water’s characteristics but the choice should also be done that would be compatible to one’s physical constitution and of course, geographic.

Some metals are known to remove the impurities of water, but for purification gold which is described in Ayurved as ‘Vish-har’ (one that removes the toxins) is considered to be the most ideal metal of all. That is why it is recommended that water should be ideally stored in a gold vessel and a gold vessel should also be used also for drinking water. (Wow! only if we all could afford it. Isn’t it..?) This ‘Golden water’ is considered to be of ‘Ushna Guna’ while water stored in a silver vessel is considered to be of ‘Sheet Guna’

Water stored in Copper vessel is considered to be good only if the vessel is filled AFTER sunrise and such water is consumed BEFORE sunset. Water stored in a copper vessel overnight tends to becomes toxic, changes in taste and sometimes takes on a greenish shade.

A clay pot on the other hand that is properly baked is devoid of any impurities. If water methodically boiled and filtered and then stored in this clay pot, will always be ideal for consumption. Such clay pots are abundantly seen in India and elsewhere routinely during summers.

Water stored in vessels made of ghosa (bell metal) is very hot in potency, heavy to digest and rendered pungent after metabolism. It aggravates pitta and kapha and on allowing it to stay for a long time, its properties differ with time.

Water stored in copper vessels is very hot in potency, tasty, instantly pungent, vitiates pitta, stimulates the digestive fire and on allowing to stay for long, it quickly alleviates vata.

Water stored in brass utensils is pungent and instantly hot in potency, alleviates kapha, aggravates pitta and causes progression of prameha.

Water stored in iron vessels is very dry and treats bleeding disorders, itching and vitiations of all three doshas.

I am sure now you would have a few queries and you would like to know more. So write to me and I shall endeavour to answer those.

Talking about queries, one of my patients in Israel, Anna (identity covered for confidentiality) wrote to me asked me and I quote, ” If water is not to be had, then how to take medicines before and after meals?” A very commonly faced dilemma…The answer to this is, ” first of all such post and pre meal medicines should be taken after 20 minutes post or before meals and further what one needs is hardly 30 to 60 ml of water…Think about it!

And remember, Drinking water in large quantity early morning on empty stomach, will definitely increase the ‘kapha dhatu’ and is not good in ‘kapha’ conditions like cough, rhinitis.

See you next time till then, keep writing to me and stay healthy!

Dr. Manjiri Joshi




Ayurveda discusses water in great detail that spans across its properties, sources, impact of soil on the water properties. Ayurveda also discusses geographic like the hilly areas or barren lands where the water flows from and how storing methods also impact the properties of water. This discussion of impacts covers, well water, water from streams, lakes and even rivers!
Our ancestors have exhibited their depth of knowledge in Ayurveda in their detailed discourses on how and why water purification is needed. From the readers’ view point however, let me present some these gems of wisdom…
On the backdrop of the heightened awareness for health among the layman and the various posts that keep flying across social media I see a huge number of people stuck in myriad myths…like, drinking a lot of water helps flush toxins easily or drinking 1 or 2 litres of water on empty stomach in the early morning or that drinking a lot water helps in weight reduction…never ending myths that people follow with great convictions!
So let me throw some light on what Ayurveda says in this regard…
Ayurveda mentions some of the natural urges and highlights that these should be attended to only when they arrive! Meaning..? we should eat only when we feel hungry. Like the urge to pass urine or excreta …done only when there is an URGE! The very purpose behind this advice is to maintain body’s natural circadian rhythm! Similarly thirst is a natural urge and one should drink water only when there is urge! A normal body doesn’t need excess of water to drink.. however, in certain diseases, there are exceptions.

Drink water only when there is an urge, without restriction of quantity & time…and that is the thumb rule for drinking water. Normally the quantity and time depends on the constitution of the body and body condition of a person….
Today I am also answering the supposedly million dollar question… “WHEN TO DRINK WATER..?”
People mostly ask me when to drink to water in relation to the food consumption. Of course there are hundreds of diverse opinions and discussions are abundant on social media too!
Astanghrudayam, the famous text of Ayurveda clearly advices that drinking water just before and immediately after food consumption is harmful for health. However, sipping water along food consumption is considered healthy, according to Ayurveda. Let us see why…
Ayurveda describes the digestive strength as ‘Agni’ and the water consumption before food dilutes and weakens the ‘Agni’. Water consumptions before food therefore, will not be conducive to digestion and thus not a good idea! The ideal time gap between water consumption and food thereafter is recommended to be 40 minutes!
Drinking water immediately after food also affects the digestive strength. It makes the food rot inside the system instead of getting digested. This in turn leads to excess acid generation
and gas in the system. It gives a touch of coolant effect to whatever the food is eaten. People who are used to drinking water like this generally tend to become obese over a period of time. So again it’s not an ideal way. One should take a sip or two after food.
The most healthy way is to drink water in small sips along the food. This helps break down the food into smaller particles. The sips of water also quenches thirst and helps proper digestion. An ideal way!
The minimum gap between food and water post meals should be between 1.5 to 2hrs. But please note that this also varies based on individual constitution, geographical conditions & so on.
I am sure that this helps you all drive a better bargain with your body & water consumption habits!


In my last blog I described the ‘side-effect’ phobia. Today I am taking just one substance that has great medicinal properties and tell you how these side effects occur through common mistakes people make in using even such great substance…HONEY!
Honey has a very important place in the Hindu culture especially religious culture…making of the tasty and ‘body-beneficial’ ‘Panchamruta’ and even the myriad religious ceremonies and is available in every household by default.
Honey per say, is the extract of flowers collected and accumulated by bees and therefore a plethora of varieties of honey are available in the market categorised on the basis of flowers & bees. Ayurved describes 8 different types of honey…
These are:
‘Bhraamar’, ‘Shudra’, ‘Poutik’, ‘Chhatr’, ‘Arghya’, ‘Daal’, ‘Audaalak’, and ‘Maakshik’. Out of these ‘Maakshik’ is considered to be the best. Ayurved details the characteristics of honey quite deeply…
Recently collected honey is considered as immature and leads to ‘Kapha Dosha’ and leads to weight gain as against this the year-old or even older honey greatly reduces the ‘Kapha Dosha’ and helps in weight reduction!
My patients and students always ask me as to how to recognise the old honey and I tell them to follow a simple trick by a bottle of honey label it with the date of purchase and keep it aside for a year!
But then if someone who uses a fairly fresh honey for weight loss treatment by mistake or unknowingly, the result will be disastrously opposite! And that’s why older is better!!
Honey is described as sweet and a little sharp in taste and is ‘Ushna-Ruksh’ in characteristic and is highly useful in treating ‘Tridoshas’. Being an excellent catalyst many medicines are prescribed to be taken with honey. Honey is excellent in skin complexion treatments as well as for eyes.
It is also recommended in treating wounds.
Ayurved also describes how to identify the best honey…
If dropped in water Honey settles at the bottom, dripped over fabric, it slides down without sticking to it, burns like oil. It is also noticed that a dog never sniffs honey, funny but true! In the present era, honey can be tested in a lab for its characteristics.
Ayurved describes many uses of this multi dimensional honey , both externally as well as internally in treating various medical conditions .
Here are some of its external application:
1. old honey is applied on wounds for quick healing
2. In beauty treatments honey is used along with other herbal ingredients
3. applied on mouth ulcers honey quickly heals them
4. if honey is mixed with Turmeric powder, & water for gargling it gives quick relief in treating cold and cough
5. Honey is also extremely good for eyesight
Here are some greats benefits of honey if taken internally:
 In cough related treatments honey is used as medium
 A mixture of ‘Pimpli’ and honey works as a great relief for cough
 Triphala churna and honey mixed together is good for the health of eyes
 in Asthmatic conditions honey mixed with ginger juice is very effective
 for weight loss one should drink 1 cup water mixed with honey
However, honey needs to be used extremely carefully (ideally as may be prescribed by a medical
practitioner)for treating any medical conditions. Here are some broad guidelines for using honey:
1. Honey should never be heated
2. while making a mixture of ghee (clarified butter) & honey both these ingredients should
never be in equal proportions. Same goes when you are preparing ‘Panchamruta’.
3. Honey should be sparsely used during summer
4. People with acidity problems should take special care while taking honey and that in in
limited quantities
5. Using honey as sweetener is fine but I have seen many people adding honey to hot milk.
Similarly, using heated honey over salads as dressing is absolutely wrong!
Now, if used correctly, isn’t honey the sweetest thing to happen in our lives..?

Ayurved dietetics

In my last blog I wrote about the unique dietetics approach of Ayurved. Now as promised let me unfold

some more insights into diet planning that  help  maintain good health and assist in the healing process in the body.

This is called ‘Asthauaahar Vidhi Visheyatana’ that in Ayurved means ‘Eight rules of dietetics’, that should be followed by everyone, while consuming food. These are basically parameters in ensuring that one eats not only the right food but also correct methods and pointers to select or prepare that food.

These are…

1 Prakriti (nature of food)

2 Karana (food processing)

3 Samyoga (combination of food)

4 Rashi (quantity of food)

5 Desh (habitat)

6 kala (time)

7 Upyogsanstha (dietary rules)

8 Upabhokta (person consuming the food)

These 8 parameters are very vital while understanding Ayurvedic dietetics.

  1. Prakriti: (nature of food)

It is the nature or quality of food. Different foods have their own individual qualities and these qualities (or nature of food) are very important while selecting the right food.

While planning diet for a person, food that has properties opposite to the person, is selected.

  1. Karma: (processing of food)

It is the preparation or ‘Sanskara” of food. During cooking the food undergoes various processes like  frying, roasting, steaming, & churning that more often change the properties of food. That is why the process becomes an important consideration…Only the process that is beneficial to the person should be implemented while cooking. The way of cooking changes according to the person’s need.

  1. Samyoga: (Combination of food)

While preparing any food, right ingredients mixed rightly will always be beneficial.


  1. Rashi: (Quantity)

Ayurved highlights the advantages of Quantity. In dietetics one has to consider not only the total quantity of the food that is consumed but also the quantity of individual ingredients that go into the food. And this depends upon the ‘Prakriti’ (the physical constitution of the person), age, state of body, habitat, digestive fire of a person quality of food and so on

  1. Desh: (geographical Place)

It is the place where the food substance is grown and the also the place where the person is living. Ayruved has divided place into 3 types marshy, arid and normal.

  1. Kala: (Time phase/period)

As the weather changes, the body demands different kind of food to adjust to the changing season. One has to change the diet according to seasonal changes and also to suit state of physical constitution or state. ‘Kala’ also indicates that the next food consumption can be done only after the earlier food is completely digested.

  1. Upayogsanstha: (Rules of eating)

Ayurved has mentioned in detail a number of guidelines that help digestion effectively

  1. Upabhokta: (person consuming food)

Every person must take into consideration, his own constitution, capacity of his digestive fire , season, time of day and whether the previously taken food has been digested or not.


Now I am confident that you will realise that each one of you is unique and naturally your diet plan HAS to be equally unique! So by the time I come back next to you take a look at you with these 8 golden parameters in mind and see what your present diet plan looks like!

Bon appetite!

Dr. Manjiri Joshi







Unique concepts of diet and nutrition in Ayurveda

               Unique concepts of diet and nutrition in Ayurveda   (Diet, the great  healer)

When it comes to my talking about diets and nutrition people come out with a barrage of questions…”How can diet heal?” “Why are you so vociferous about Ayurved diet and nutrition?

There are strong reasons……..

Ayurved has very different, unique concepts of diet and nutrition

  • Basically Ayurved has given more emphasis on prevention than mere cure. Ayurved propagates ‘balancing of the three doshas to maintain good health’ and particularly by ensuring a correct ‘Aahar’… diet!
  • Upanishads describe in detail how food provides nourishment to the human body and mind. Yes mind too! Ayurved is the only science that says “diet nourishes not only the body but also the mind”. This is the unique concept of Ayurved.
  • According to Ayurved, diet can be an effective treatment in itself. That’s why Ayurved texts have gone to great lengths in discussing the qualities and effects of different kind of food, in detail. Though the results with diet therapy are slow, it is the safest way of treating disease. So diet is the essence of very effective self care.
  • Ayurved doesn’t consider specific nutritional values, the minerals, vitamins and chemical composition of the food. In Ayurved, the qualities and ‘Panchbhutiktva” (everything in the universe is made of five elements) of the food is given utmost priority in diet planning for an individual.
  • Ayurved, lays emphasis on individual diet chart in line with parameters like, the individual’s need, physical constitution, age, sex, and so on. So my advice to the readers is to always take expert guidance from your Ayurved physician , before you start with any diet plan.
  • In Ayurved, a ‘Tripod of life’ is described which is essential for a healthy life. This tripod is made of food, sleep and sex. Balance among these three leads to a healthy life.
  • Another unique concept of Ayurved is the three major types of diets… ‘Satvik’, ‘Rajasik’ and ‘Tamasik’. Three body doshas are panchbhautik and also contain satva, raja and tama guna. It  simply means that as I have mentioned above that everything is made of five elements. And in everything there is a dominance of any one element. Naturally then there is a direct relationship between the element and relevant dosha.

I am sure that by now you may have realized that Ayurved categorically avoids generalization of diets, dietary plans and concepts of how much of what kind of food has to be consumed merely based on height, weight as practiced in modern practices. Ayurved considers each person (human body) as unique with its own unique constitutional features and then recommends an equally unique and effective diet plan. Now that you have understood the basic concepts of diet in Ayurved, let me come back to you, let me come back to you with the eight golden rules of dietetics next time…





In my last blog I discussed the various seasons their ‘Doshas’ and lifestyles & diets that need to be followed for good health and for prevention of diseases.


Let us take it further now…Winter, that otherwise lovely feeling of wanting to remain cuddled in some nice & warm clothing but mostly the sky is cloudy, the weather is cold, damp, and heavy, and generally a season dominated by ‘Kapha’. Naturally then a kapha-pacifying regimen needs to be adopted, especially by ‘kapha individuals’ .

However, certain ‘Vata’ provoking seasonal factors, such as dry, cold, windy, and clear, are also occasionally prominent, during these days, ‘Vata individuals ‘ also need to be mindful of the resultant metabolism disturbing symptoms.



Hemant and Shishir rutu (winter)


  • The ‘nature’ of the season is oily & cold
  • Healthy people will be more healthy

The digestive fire is very strong. If you like to eat meat, Ayurveda says that winter is the preferred time because ‘agni’ (digestive fire) is strong.

  • The nights are long and days are shorter
  • Eat sweet, sour, oily foods
  • Meat, milk, wheat, ghee are good

Regular oil massage is recommended. Apply some warm sesame oil to your entire body, then take a hot shower. Sesame oil, which is warm in nature is beneficial for all constitutional types in the winter.

  • Rigorous exercises are also recommended
  • Avoid excess sleep

Drug of choice: The best herbs for winter are pippali, licorice, ginger, punarnava, black pepper, and kutki. You can also use the herbal tonic chyavanprash,  ashvagandha, guduchi, ghee.

( as indicated by the physician)



Varsha ritu (rainy season)


  • The nature of the season is cold and humid
  • Disturbance of ‘agni’ (the digestive fire) is prominent
  • Vata is aggravated
  • Physical strength is low
  • Oily, hot, sweet, sour and salty food is advised
  • Drink boiled water, meat soups, old honey
  • Spicy, bitter and astringent food must be avoided
  • Buttermilk, day sleep and exertion must be avoided
  • Tulsi, Rasna are drug of choices to balance the vata
  • Basti treatment is highly recommended in this ‘Rutu’ (season)



Vata-Balancing Tea


  • 1-table spoon fennel seeds
  • 1-table spoon coriander seeds
  • Pinch of asafetida
  • 4 cups of water


  • Heat water in a pot.
  • Add slightly crushed fennel seeds, coriander seeds and cardamom pods.
  • Boil for 3 minutes.
  • Strain and serve hot.




Sharad rutu (autumn)


  • The nature of the season is sharp and hot
  • There will be aggravation of ‘Pitta’
  • Eat sweet, bitter and astringent and cold food
  • Take medicated bitter ghee
  • Do blood letting (‘Raktamokshan’)
  • Avoid pungent, sour, salty foods
  • Avoid curds, excess oil and alcoholic drinks
  • The drug of choice are chandanam, kamala (lotus), amalaki (as prescribed by the physician)


Rutu sandhi

‘Rutu sandhi’ is where two seasons ‘join’ and the period typically lasts for approximately fifteen days, overlapping the end of previous season and the beginning of the next season divided over eight days each.


Rutu sandhi is an important period because:

  • Our bodies have become accustomed to the food and weather we experienced during the previous season.
  • Adapting our diet and life style helps prevent the Doshas from accumulating, aggravating and causing disease.
  • For example: As the seasons begin to change, the Doshas of the approaching season begin to accumulate. Eating hot foods in the spring begins to cause an accumulation of Pitta, eating cold foods in the late summer begins to accumulate Vata and eating heavy foods in the winter begins to accumulate Kapha.
  • Changes to the diet and lifestyle should be done gradually & moderately, with foods appropriate for the coming seasons added slowly into the diet.
  • Within two weeks (by the end of Rutusandhi), a diet that is in complete accordance with the new season should be incorporated.

Now that you know how to strike a balance between the nature and the body to keep our bodily functions in high gear and prevent diseases, I am sure most of your basic queries are answered. But then, should you have any specific question, feel free to write to me or even meet me at my clinic.

Enjoy the season!



Seasonal regimen (Rutucharya)

Seasonal regimen is fine tuning the daily regimen to be in sync with climatic and seasonal variations in Nature and further based on individual body type.

According to Ayurved, the human body is a miniature representation of nature and thus have common basic elements. Therefore, any change in the season, affects the human physiology considerably. To create harmony between the nature and the human physiology, one has to create a diet plan and daily regimen to synchronize with the season’s changes.

As the seasons change, so must our daily routine. This practice is known as a ‘Rutucharya’. ‘Rutu’ means ‘season’ and ‘charya’ means ‘routine’. Rutucharya is a seasonal regimen of diet and lifestyle that helps maintain health and well-being.


In my earlier writings I have mentioned the ‘Dosha’s… ‘Vata’, ‘Kapha’, & ‘Pitta’. Each of these mind-body types is predominant in specific seasons. Changes in the season cycle are potential causes of Dosha imbalance. We cannot control these changes but we can certainly maintain balance by adapting our life style accordingly. The seasonal directives for each are guides to keep them balanced.


Rutucharya: The Seasonal Cycle


Kapha is aggravated in the late winter and spring. Pitta is aggravated in the summer

Vata is aggravated in the fall and early winter


*These seasonal cycles & specifications are mostly according to the Indian seasons.


It is not really the calendar but the Nature that tells us when and which Dosha will be predominant. Therefore we should not indulge in foods or activities, that are likely to aggravate the respective Doshas.

On the other hand we should undergo Vamana or herb induced emesis in vasant rutu , Virechana or herb induced purgation in sharad rutu and Basti in varsha rutu to eliminate aggravation of Kapha, Pitta and Vata and try to prevent seasonal diseases.



In India, the whole year is divided into six (6) seasons.


In the US, there is a vast difference in the weather pattern in different states. So everyone has to follow the season and accordingly ‘Rutucharya’ should be followed.


Let’s see the six patterns of ‘Rutucharya’…






Spring (Vasant Rutu): Kapha Predominance:


  • The nature of the season is hot and oily, so aggravation kapha occurs
  • Massage and body therapies be done with dry herbal powders such as Haritaki or Ginger or heating oil such as Mustard.
  • Spring is an ideal time for Vamana.
  • Avoid sleeping during the day time, heavy foods, cold foods, excess sweets, sour fruits and oils
  • Eat dry, light food
  • Use bitter, pungent and astringent tastes
  • Exercise is a must
  • Herbs to benefit Kapha include Pippali, Maricha (BlackPepper), Haritaki, Guggul, Ginger and Punarnava.


Kapha Balancing Tea:



  • 4cups water
  • 1 tea spoon slightly crushed cinnamon
  • ½ tea spoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tea spoon grated Ginger
  • 2 cloves


  • Heat water in a pot.
  • Add cinnamon, turmeric powder and cloves.
  • Boil for 3 minutes.
  • Add grated ginger and boil for 2 more minutes.
  • Strain and serve hot.


Summer(Greeshma Rutu): Pitta predominance:


  • Summer represents the hot, bright, sharp qualities of Pitta, so our diet and lifestyle should be align to balance this energy.
  • Eat light, oily, sweet foods with lots of fluids
  • Fruit juices, milk, ghee, grapes, coconut water are good
  • Exercise with restraint
  • Day time nap is recommended as days are longer and nights are shorter
  • Avoid excess salt, sour and spicy foods
  • Bathing with cold water and application of sandal powder is good
  • The diet should be cool, heavy and bland to counter Pitta’s hot, light and sharp qualities. Add more fruit and vegetables to the diet
  • Emphasize sweet, astringent and bitter tastes, which palliate Pitta.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Drinks such as Lassi (yogurt drink), lime juice and coconut water should be emphasized.
  • Massage in the morning with coconut oil.


Pitta Balancing Tea:


  • 4 cups water
  • 8 to 10 mint leaves
  • 1-table spoon partially crushed coriander seeds
  • 1 table spoon cumin seeds
  • 2 cardamom pods


  • Heat water in a pot.
  • Add slightly crushed mint leaves, coriander, cumin seeds and cardamom.
  • Boil for 3 minutes. Let it cool. Strain and serve cool


Now, I am sure that your spring and summer woes are addressed and by the time you adapt yourself to these ancient advice, the rainy season will be upon all of us here in India at least…and so will my next blog!

Happy health to you all.