refined salt

REFINED SALT…Yet another nemesis of good health
Whenever it comes to drawing room discussions about health yet another food becomes the victim of misunderstanding…SALT!
As much as we may vilify salt, our bodies are actually designed to fortified sodium. Salt is necessary for human growth and development. The minerals are essential for the nerves and muscles throughout our body to function properly and also assist with regulating the body’s fluid and metabolism. Ultimately, without sodium in our diets, the body would become seriously imbalanced, creating a cycle of internal toxicity.
Every cell in the body requires salt, and countless functions depend on salt including everything from blood sugar regulation to bone density to circulatory health. And because we lose salt constantly during the day through urine and perspiration, it’s important that we replenish it. It’s merely a case of understanding the difference between refined salt verses unrefined salt.
Of course, it’s counterproductive to try and replace lost sodium with commercial table salt because it’s a refined and incomplete product.
Instead, choose a high-quality unrefined salt that can naturally replenish the sodium, trace minerals and electrolytes your body needs.
Here, first of all let me clear one thing to all my readers, “REFINED SALT is completely unhealthy and UNREFINED SALT in recommended dosage is absolutely vital for the body”.
Now the question is what is the difference between refined and unrefined salt?
Refined salt is nothing but sodium chloride, which has harmful side effects on the human body.
This salt is typically full of additives, fluoride, anti-caking agents, excessive amounts of potassium iodide and other poisons. Many versions of commercial salt also contain Aluminium derivatives, which are known to be highly toxic. These additives can cause discoloration in salt, so bleaching agents are then used to restore the desirable white colour.
Refined salt causes imbalances of fluid throughout the body and puts a great deal of strain on the elimination systems. It ends up being much more than just sodium and chloride.
Many processed or junk foods that contain salt also do not have the added iodine.
In short, refined salt is our greatest nemesis, due to the fact that it is processed and bleached, destroying all the natural occurring minerals. With this kind of processing, it’s no wonder then that refined commercial salt is causing so many health problems! Unfortunately, the key differences between
refined salt and unrefined salt are not yet widely recognized, so the general assumption is that all salts
are bad and that is definitely not the case!
Salt makes your body hold on to water. If you eat too much salt, the extra water stored in your body
increases your blood pressure. The more you eat salt, the higher your blood pressure will be. In India 1
in 3 adult are affected by high BP and majority of them are not aware of it. Therefore, it is
recommended to follow low-salt diet. Refined salt increases a greater risk of high blood pressure
(caused by water retention), type 2 diabetes, stroke and other associated cardiovascular diseases.
According to the World Health Organization, an average adult should consume a maximum of just 2gms
of sodium a day (the amount present in less than 1 teaspoon of salt!). Although salt has been doled a
bad reputation in recent years, you might be surprised to hear that traditional cultures greatly valued
natural salt and would go to great lengths to procure it.
It’s very interesting to know, what Ayurved has mentioned on consumption and qualities of salt. But
then, let’s take a look at that in the next blog!

Dr. Manjiri Joshi